Artículos científicos Página de inicio de la colección

Esta colección contiene algunos de los artículos científicos y pre-impresos más relevantes sobre esta epidemia, mismos que se encuentran en acceso abierto, es decir, totalmente gratuitos y a texto completo para consulta del público en general.

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 361 a 380 de 5926
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
22-may-2020Predicting mortality due to SARS-CoV-2: A mechanistic score relating obesity and diabetes to COVID-19 outcomes in MexicoPreimpresoOMAR YAXMEHEN BELLO CHAVOLLA; Jessica Paola Bahena López; Neftali Eduardo Antonio Villa; Arsenio Vargas Vázquez; ARMANDO GONZALEZ DIAZ; Alejandro Márquez Salinas; Carlos A. Fermín Martínez; J. Jesús Naveja; Carlos A. Aguilar-Salinas15-feb-2021
25-abr-2020COVID-19 Fatality and Comorbidity Risk Factors among Diagnosed Patients in MexicoPreimpresoHiram Carreño; Patricio Solís15-feb-2021
2-dic-2020Serological prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection and associated factors in health care workers in a “non-COVID” hospital in Mexico CityPreimpresoESTEBAN CRUZ ARENAS; ELIZABETH CABRERA RUIZ; Sara Laguna Barcenas; CLAUDIA ADRIANA COLIN CASTRO; Tatiana Chávez; RAFAEL FRANCO CENDEJAS; José Clemente Ibarra Ponce de León; JAVIER PEREZ ORIVE15-feb-2021
22-sep-2020Assessing the burden of COVID-19 amongst healthcare workers in Mexico City: A data-driven call to actionPreimpresoNeftali Eduardo Antonio Villa; OMAR YAXMEHEN BELLO CHAVOLLA; ARSENIO VARGAS VAZQUEZ; Carlos A. Fermín Martínez; Alejandro Márquez Salinas; JULIO PISANTY ALATORRE; Jessica Paola Bahena López15-feb-2021
1-ene-2021All-cause mortality among patients treated with repurposed antivirals and antibiotics for COVID-19 in Mexico City: A Real-World Observational StudyPreimpresoJAVIER MANCILLA GALINDO; Jorge Óscar García Méndez; Jessica Márquez Sánchez; Rodrigo Estefano Reyes Casarrubias; Eduardo Aguirre Aguilar; HECTOR ISAAC ROCHA GONZALEZ; ASHUIN KAMMAR GARCIA15-feb-2021
4-ene-2021Diagnostic performance and clinical implications of rapid SARS-CoV-2 antigen testing in Mexico using real-world nationwide COVID-19 registry dataPreimpresoOMAR YAXMEHEN BELLO CHAVOLLA; Neftali Eduardo Antonio Villa; Luisa Fernández Chirino; Enrique Cañedo Guerra; Carlos Fermín Martínez; Alejandro Márquez Salinas; Arsenio Vargas Vázquez; Jessica Paola Bahena López15-feb-2021
26-ago-2020Ethnic disparities in COVID-19 mortality in Mexico: a cross-sectional study based on national dataDocumento de trabajoISMAEL IBARRA NAVA; KATHIA GABRIELA FLORES RODRIGUEZ; VIOLETA RUIZ HERRERA; Hilda C. Ochoa Bayona; ALFONSO SALINAS ZERTUCHE; Magaly Padilla Orozco; RAUL GABINO SALAZAR MONTALVO15-feb-2021
12-may-2020Text Mining Approach to Analyze Coronavirus Impact: Mexico City as Case of StudyPreimpresoJosimar Edinson Chire Saire; ANABEL PINEDA BRISEÑO15-feb-2021
16-ene-2021Immunisation, asymptomatic infection, herd immunity and the new variants of COVID-19PreimpresoPaul Hunter; Alastair Grant21-ene-2021
21-ene-2021State-of-the-Art Risk Models for Diabetes, Hypertension, Visual Diminution, and COVID-19 Severity in MexicoPreimpresoJennifer Enciso; Heladio Amaya; DANIELA MEIZNER GREZEMKOVSKY; Alex Pentland .; Alejandro Noriega21-ene-2021
15-ene-2021Direct Simulation of the CoVid-19 epidemicPreimpresoAUGUSTO CABRERA BECERRIL; Raúl Peralta; Pedro Miramontes21-ene-2021
13-ene-2020Vaccination in a two-group epidemic modelPreimpresoSebastian Anita; Malay Banerjee; Vitaly Volpert; Samiran Ghosh15-ene-2021
3-dic-2020Filtering and improved Uncertainty Quantification in the dynamic estimation of effective reproduction numbersPreimpresoMarcos Capistrán; ANTONIO CAPELLA KORT; José Andrés Christen Gracia7-ene-2021
15-dic-2020The role of metabolic comorbidity in COVID-19 mortality of middle-aged adults. The case of Mexico.PreimpresoLenin Dominguez Ramirez; Francisco Rodríguez Pérez; FRANCISCA SOSA JURADO; GERARDO SANTOS LOPEZ; Paulina Cortes Hernandez17-dic-2020
14-dic-2020Mathematical model for the mitigation of the economic effects of Covid-19 in the Democratic Republic of the CongoPreimpresoZirhumanana Dieudonne Balike16-dic-2020
26-nov-2020Modelling the impact of health-related variables, age, migration, and socio3 economic factors in the geographical distribution of early tested case-fatality 4 risks associated with COVID-19 in Mexico PreimpresoMaría del Carmen García Peña; RICARDO RAMIREZ ALDANA; JUAN CARLOS GOMEZ VERJAN; OMAR YAXMEHEN BELLO CHAVOLLA7-dic-2020
4-dic-2020On the Effects of Misclassification in Estimating Efficacy With Application to Recent COVID-19 Vaccine TrialsPreimpresoJohn Buonaccorsi7-dic-2020
28-nov-2020Threatening second wave of COVID-19 is imminent: A deep learning perspectivePreimpresoKhondoker Nazmoon Nabi30-nov-2020
26-nov-2020Diabetes and Mortality Among 1.6 Million Adult Patients Screened for SARS-CoV-2 in MexicoPreimpresoOrison Woolcott; Juan P Castilla Bancayan27-nov-2020
14-nov-2020COVATOR: A Software for Chimeric Coronavirus IdentificationPreimpresoPeter T. Habid18-nov-2020
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 361 a 380 de 5926