Artículos científicos Página de inicio de la colección

Esta colección contiene algunos de los artículos científicos y pre-impresos más relevantes sobre esta epidemia, mismos que se encuentran en acceso abierto, es decir, totalmente gratuitos y a texto completo para consulta del público en general.

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 241 a 260 de 5926
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
25-jun-2021A behavioural modelling approach to assess the impact of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancyPreimpresoBruno BUONOMO; Alberto d'Onofrio; Rossella Della Marca; Maria Groppi28-dic-2021
3-jul-2021Characterizing parametric differences between the two waves of COVID-19 in IndiaPreimpresoArpit Omprakash28-dic-2021
7-jul-2021Masks in a Post COVID-19 World: A Better Alternative to Curtailing Influenza?PreimpresoHenri Froese; Angel Prempeh28-dic-2021
9-jul-2021Three-step rhythmic breathing exercise and COVID-19: A cross-sectional studyPreimpresoApurvakumar Pandya; Dileep Mavalankar; Pravin Maithia28-dic-2021
15-jul-2021The age-stratified analytical model for the spread of the COVID-19 epidemicPreimpresoFelix Mairanowski28-dic-2021
20-jul-2021A quest for the origin of the uneven spread of Covid-19 casesPreimpresoMahasweta Bhattacharya; Arunava Bhadra28-dic-2021
22-jul-2021Access to COVID-19 Vaccines in High-, Middle-, and Low-Income Countries Hosting Clinical TrialsPreimpresoReshma Ramachandran; Joseph Ross; Jennifer E. Miller28-dic-2021
22-jul-2021Assessing COVID prevention strategies to permit the safe opening of college campuses in fall 2021PreimpresoA. David Paltiel; Jason Schwartz28-dic-2021
22-jul-2021Estimation of COVID-19 recovery and decease periods in Canada using machine learning algorithmsPreimpresoSubhendu Paul; Emmanuel Lorin28-dic-2021
7-abr-2021Trust boosts recovery of countries from COVID-19PreimpresoTimothy Lenton; Chris Boulton; Marten Scheffer28-dic-2021
13-abr-2021COVID-19 and mortality risk in patients with psychiatric disordersPreimpresoGeorge Kirov; Emily Baker28-dic-2021
24-abr-2021Estimating the total morbidity burden of COVID-19PreimpresoMaia Phillips Smith28-dic-2021
5-may-2021Infants are more susceptible to COVID-19 than childrenPreimpresoChar Leung, PhD FRSPH28-dic-2021
12-may-2021Social Learning in a Network Model of Covid-19PreimpresoAllan Davids; Gideon du Rand; Co_Pierre Georg; Tina Koziol; Joeri Schasfoort28-dic-2021
18-may-2021Public attitudes to COVID-19 vaccines: A qualitative studyPreimpresoSimon Williams; Kimberly Dienes28-dic-2021
27-may-2021Covid-19 and Mental Health of Individuals with Different PersonalitiesPreimpresoEugenio Proto; Anwen Zhang28-dic-2021
30-may-2021Out-of-Pocket Spending for COVID-19 Hospitalizations in 2020PreimpresoKao_Ping Chua; Rena Conti; Nora Becker28-dic-2021
5-jun-2021A Cluster-based Model of COVID-19 Transmission DynamicsPreimpresoShayak Bhattacharjee; Mohit Manoj Sharma28-dic-2021
18-jun-2021Remdesivir to treat COVID-19: can dosing be optimized?PreimpresoJessica Conway; Pia Abel zur Wiesch28-dic-2021
25-jun-2021Temporal Analysis of Social Determinants Associated with COVID-19 MortalityPreimpresoShayom Debopadhaya; John Erickson; Kristin Bennett28-dic-2021
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 241 a 260 de 5926