Artículos científicos Página de inicio de la colección

Esta colección contiene algunos de los artículos científicos y pre-impresos más relevantes sobre esta epidemia, mismos que se encuentran en acceso abierto, es decir, totalmente gratuitos y a texto completo para consulta del público en general.

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 221 a 240 de 5926
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
3-ene-2022Integrin/TGF-Beta1 inhibitor GLPG-0187 blocks SARS-CoV-2 Delta and Omicron pseudovirus infection of airway epithelial cells which could attenuate disease severityPreimpresoKelsey Huntington; Lindsey Carlsen; Eui-Young So; Matthias Piesche; Olin Liang; Wafik El-Deiry4-ene-2022
25-dic-2021SARS-CoV-2 comes up with a perfect recipe for disaster: Each mutation plays a specific role in the evolution of variants of concernPreimpresoVaibhav Upadhyay; Casey Patrick; ALEXANDRA LUCAS; Krishna Mallela3-ene-2022
29-dic-2021Waning of SARS-CoV-2 booster viral-load reduction effectivenessPreimpresoMatan Levine-Tiefenbrun; Idan Yelin; Hillel Alapi; Esma Herzel; Jacob Kuint; Gabriel Chodick; Sivan Gazit; Tal Patalon; Roy Kishony3-ene-2022
29-dic-2021Control Strategies for the Third wave of COVID-19 infection in India: A Mathematical Model Incorporating Vaccine EffectivenessPreimpresoNamitha A. Sivadas; Pooja Panda; Ashutosh Mahajan3-ene-2022
30-dic-2021The rich-to-poor vaccine donation game: When will self-interested countries donate their surplus vaccines during pandemics?PreimpresoAdam Lampert; Raanan Sulitzeanu_Kenan; Pieter Vanhuysse; Markus Tepe3-ene-2022
30-dic-2021Evaluation of the Cepheid Xpert Xpress SARS-CoV-2 test for bronchoalveolar lavagePreimpresoTung Phan; Ashley Mays; Melissa McCullough; Alan Wells3-ene-2022
29-dic-2021Real-time Estimation of Global CFR Ascribed to COVID-19 Confirmed Cases Applying Machine Learning TechniquePreimpresoMONALISHA PATTNAIK; Aryan Pattnaik3-ene-2022
27-dic-2021Controlling the worldwide chaotic spreading of COVID-19 through vaccinationsPreimpresoHua Zheng; Aldo Bonasera3-ene-2022
30-dic-2021Forecasting COVID-19 infection trends and new hospital admissions in England due to SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern OmicronPreimpresoAlberto Giovanni Gerli; STEFANO CENTANNI; Joan B Soriano; julio Ancochea3-ene-2022
30-dic-2021Tracking mutational semantics of SARS-CoV-2 genomesPreimpresoRohan Singh; Sunil Nagpal; Nishal Kumar Pinna; sharmila mande3-ene-2022
31-dic-2021The Effect of Weather Pattern on the Second Wave of Coronavirus: A cross study between cold and tropical climates of France, Italy, Colombia, and BrazilPreimpresoAhmed Islam3-ene-2022
1-ene-2022Sample Size Calculations for Variant Surveillance in the Presence of Biological and Systematic BiasesPreimpresoShirlee Wohl; Elizabeth Lee; Bethany DiPrete; Justin Lessler3-ene-2022
15-may-2021Computational modelling of COVID-19: A study of compliance and superspreadersPreimpresoFaith Lee; María Pérez-Ortiz; John Shawe_Taylor29-dic-2021
30-jul-2021Estimation of the onset rate and the number of asymptomatic patients of COVID-19 from the proportion of untraceable patientsPreimpresoTakashi Odagaki29-dic-2021
19-may-2021Economic Impact Payment, Human Mobility and the COVID-19 Mitigation in the United StatesPreimpresoRuohao Zhang29-dic-2021
19-may-2021Analysis of the Second COVID-19 Wave in India Using a Birth-Death ModelPreimpresoNarayanan Viswanath29-dic-2021
4-jun-2021Different approaches to quantify years of life lost from COVID-19PreimpresoTamás Ferenci29-dic-2021
4-jun-2021The World Mortality Dataset: Tracking excess mortality across countries during the COVID-19 pandemicDocumento de trabajoAriel Karlinsky; Dmitry Kobak29-dic-2021
12-jun-2021Micro RNA-based regulation of genomics and transcriptomics of inflammatory cytokines in COVID-19PreimpresoManoj Khokhar; SOJIT TOMO; PURVI PUROHIT29-dic-2021
17-jun-2021VAERS data reveals no increased risk of neuroautoimmune adverse events from COVID-19 vaccinesPreimpresoChris von Csefalvay29-dic-2021
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 221 a 240 de 5926