Materiales de Consulta y Comunicados Técnicos Página de inicio de la colección

Infografías, Comunicados Técnicos y materiales de consulta oficiales dirigidos a la población en general, sobre la prevención, el tratamiento y todo lo relacionado al Novel Coronavirus.

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 821 a 840 de 1906
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
18-jul-2023SPLASH: a statistical, reference-free genomic algorithm unifies biological discoveryPreimpresoKaitlin Chaung; Peter Wang; Tavor Baharav; George Henderson; Ivan Zheludev; Julia Salzman24-jul-2023
18-jul-2023Identification of COVID-19 Vaccine-Hesitancy Predictors in the United StatesPreimpresoEnrique Saldarriaga23-jul-2023
18-jul-2023The scientific chaos phase of the Great Pandemic: A longitudinal analysis and systematic review of the first surge of clinical research concerning COVID-19PreimpresoTill Adami; Markus Ries23-jul-2023
18-jul-2023Intranasal lavage with hypochlorous acid safely reduces the symptoms in the ambulatory patient with COVID-19PreimpresoMonique Abner23-jul-2023
1-jul-2023Pre-pandemic activity on a myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome support forum is highly associated with later activity on a long COVID support forum for a variety of reasons: a mixed methods studyPreimpresoWilliam Meyerson; Rick Hoyle13-jul-2023
1-jul-2023COVID-related anthropause highlights the impact of marine traffic on breeding little penguinsPreimpresoBenjamin Dupuis; Akiko Kato; Claire Saraux; Yan Ropert-Coudert; Andre Chiaradia; Marianna Chimienti13-jul-2023
3-jul-2023Projecting COVID-19 intensive care admissions in the Netherlands for policy advice: February 2020 to January 2021PreimpresoDon Klinkenberg; Jantien Backer; Nicolette de Keizer; Jacco Wallinga13-jul-2023
4-jul-2023A Radically New Theory of how the Brain Represents and Computes with ProbabilitiesPreimpresoRod Rinkus12-jul-2023
7-jul-2023Temporal Pattern of Mutation Accumulation in SARS-CoV-2 Proteins: Insights from Whole Genome Sequences Pan-India Using Data Mining ApproachPreimpresoChakrakodi Varun12-jul-2023
7-jul-2023Spatio-temporal surveillance and early detection of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concernPreimpresoMassimo Cavallaro; Louise Dyson; Michael Tildesley; Daniel Todkill; Matt Keeling12-jul-2023
8-jul-2023Poor Hemorrhagic Stroke Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic Are Driven by Socioeconomic Disparities: Analysis of Nationally Representative DataPreimpresoAbdulaziz T. Bako; Gavin Britz; Thomas Potter; Alan Pan; Karim Borei; Farhaan Vahidy12-jul-2023
22-jun-2023The impact of non-lineage defining mutations in the structural stability for variants of concern of SARS-CoV-2PreimpresoYasmmin Martins; Ronaldo da Silva Francisco Junior22-jun-2023
17-mar-2023Quantitative LC-MS study of compounds found predictive of COVID-19 severity and outcomePreimpresoJoseph Taylor; Ivayla Roberts; Marina Wright Muelas; Andrew Stuart Davison; Catherine Winder; Roy Goodacre; Douglas Kell30-may-2023
17-mar-2023Modelling the impact of hybrid immunity on future COVID-19 epidemic wavesPreimpresoThao Le; Isobel Abell; Eamon Conway; Patricia Campbell; Alexandra Hogan; Michael Lydeamore; Jodie McVernon; Ivo Mueller; James Walker; Christopher Baker30-may-2023
1-may-2023New Approach to the SIR Inversion Problem: From the 1905-1906 Plague Outbreak in the Isle of Bombay To the 2021-2022 Omicron Surge in New York CityPreimpresoJeffrey Harris30-may-2023
21-mar-2023SARS-CoV-2 infection induces dopaminergic neuronal loss in midbrain organoids during short and prolonged culturesPreimpresoJavier Jarazo; Eveline Santos da Silva; Enrico Glaab; Danielle Perez Bercoff; Jens Schwamborn30-may-2023
22-mar-2023Neck pain, dry eye and Sjögren’s syndrome in Latin American students during the first wave of COVID-19: Frequencies and associated factorsPreimpresoChristian R. Mejia; Briggitte Gutarra-Laureano; Ingrid Luisa Zorrilla Lizana; Dennis Arias; María Fernanda Fernández Fernández; CLAUDIA A. VERA; Martín Vilela; VICTOR SERNA-ALARCON; Tatiana Cinzia Requena Pastorelli; Lysien Ivania Zambrano; Eleonora Espinoza30-may-2023
22-mar-2023Inter-rater reliability of the Infectious Disease Modeling Reproducibility Checklist (IDMRC) as applied to COVID-19 computational modeling researchPreimpresoBruce Childers; Darya Pokutnaya; Willem Van Panhuis; Marquis Hawkins; Alice Arcury-Quandt; Meghan Matlack; Kharlya Carpio; Harry Hochheiser29-may-2023
22-mar-2023How influenza vaccination changed over the COVID-19 pandemicPreimpresoYong Yang29-may-2023
24-mar-2023Distribution of nematocytes differs in two types of gonophores in hydrozoan Sarsia loveniiPreimpresoAlexandra Vetrova; Andrey Prudkovsky; Stanislav Kremnyov29-may-2023
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 821 a 840 de 1906