Artículos científicos Página de inicio de la colección

Esta colección contiene algunos de los artículos científicos y pre-impresos más relevantes sobre esta epidemia, mismos que se encuentran en acceso abierto, es decir, totalmente gratuitos y a texto completo para consulta del público en general.

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 321 a 340 de 5926
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
27-sep-2021The effects of communicating uncertainty around statistics on public trust: an international studyPreimpresoJohn Kerr; Anne Marthe van der Bles; Claudia R Schneider; Sarah Dryhurst; Vivien Chopurian; Alexandra Freeman; Sander van der Linden29-sep-2021
6-sep-2021The impact of mobility restriction measures on the reproduction index of Covid-19 in the city of Queretaro, MexicoPreimpresoOscar San Roman Orozco; Santiago Agraz Orozco; Isidro Amadeo Gutierrez-Alvarez; Vasiliki Radaios29-sep-2021
13-sep-2021Social Capital Dimensions are Differentially Associated with COVID-19 Vaccinations, Masks, and Physical DistancingPreimpresoIbtihal Ferwana; Lav Varshney20-sep-2021
14-sep-2021Widening Disparities in Online Information Access during the COVID-19 PandemicPreimpresoJina Suh; Eric Horvitz; Ryen White; Tim Althoff20-sep-2021
10-sep-2021Analytical performances of the COVISTIX and Panbio antigen rapid tests for SARS-CoV-2 detection in an unselected population (all commers)PreimpresoFrancisco García Cardenas; Alba Franco; Ricardo Cortés; Jenny Bertin; Rafael Valdéz; FERNANDO PEÑALOZA FIGUEROA; JESUS EMMANUEL FRIAS JIMENEZ; ALBERTO CEDRO TANDA; ALFREDO MENDOZA VARGAS; JUAN PABLO REYES GRAJEDA; ALFREDO HIDALGO MIRANDA; LUIS ALONSO HERRERA MONTALVO17-sep-2021
7-sep-2021The evolutionary landscape of SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.1.519 and its clinical impact in Mexico CityPreimpresoALBERTO CEDRO TANDA; Laura Gómez-Romero; NICOLAS ALCARAZ MILLMAN; GUILLERMO DE ANDA JAUREGUI; FERNANDO PEÑALOZA FIGUEROA; BERNARDO MORENO QUIROGA; Marco Armando Escobar Arrazola; Oscar A. Ramírez Vega; MIREYA CISNEROS VILLANUEVA; José L. Moreno Camacho; Jorge Rodriguez Gallegos; Marco Luna-Ruiz Esparza; Miguel Fernández-Rojas; ALFREDO MENDOZA VARGAS; JUAN PABLO REYES GRAJEDA; ABRAHAM CAMPOS ROMERO; Ofelia Angulo; ROSAURA RUIZ GUTIERREZ; CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM PARDO; JOSE SIFUENTES OSORNIO; David Kershenobich Stalnikowitz; ALFREDO HIDALGO MIRANDA; LUIS ALONSO HERRERA MONTALVO15-sep-2021
24-ago-2021Segregation of children into small groups for in-person learning during the COVID-19 pandemicPreimpresoLuis Manuel Muñoz Nava; Marcos Nahmad25-ago-2021
11-ago-2021Geospatial Variability in Excess Death Rates during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mexico: Examining Socio Demographic and Population Health CharacteristicsPreimpresoSushma Dahal; Ruiyan Luo; Monica Swahn; Gerardo Chowell12-ago-2021
27-jul-2021Understanding SARS-CoV-2 budding through molecular dynamics simulations of M and E protein complexesPreimpresoLogan Collins; Tamer Elkholy; Shafat Mubin; Ricky Williams; Kayode Ezike; Ankush Singhal28-jul-2021
25-jul-2021A spatio-temporal study of state-wide case-fatality risks during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in MexicoPreimpresoRICARDO RAMIREZ ALDANA; LIZBETH NARANJO ALBARRAN; JUAN CARLOS GOMEZ VERJAN; OMAR YAXMEHEN BELLO CHAVOLLA26-jul-2021
22-jul-2021Predicting Managers' Mental Health Across Countries Using Country-Level COVID-19 StatisticsPreimpresoLun Li; Stephen Zhang; Lorenz Graf-Vlachy26-jul-2021
13-jul-2021Persistence of neutralizing antibodies a year after SARS-CoV-2 infectionPreimpresoAnu Haveri; Nina Ekstrom; Anna Solastie; Camilla Virta; Pamela Österlund; Elina Isosaari; Hanna Nohynek; Arto Palmu; Merit Melin16-jul-2021
16-jul-2021A single de novo substitution in SARS-CoV-2 spike informs enhanced adherence to human ACE2.PreimpresoElena Erausquin; JACINTO LOPEZ SAGASETA16-jul-2021
16-jul-2021Adoption and continued use of mobile contact tracing technology: Multilevel explanations from a three-wave panel survey and linked dataPreimpresoLaszlo Horvath; Susan Banducci; Joshua Blamire; Cathrine Degnen; Oliver James; Andrew Jones; Daniel Stevens; Katharine Tyler16-jul-2021
13-jul-2021Monitoring of COVID-19 Pandemic-related Psychopathology using Machine LearningPreimpresoKenneth C. Enevoldsen; Andreas Aalkjær Danielsen; Christopher Rohde; Oskar Jefsen; Kristoffer Nielbo; Søren Dinesen Østergaard16-jul-2021
13-feb-2021SARS-CoV-2 infection: Understanding the immune system abnormalities to get an adequate diagnosisArtículoKaren Medina-Quero; Omar Barreto Rodríguez; Voltaire Méndez; Anahí Sánchez-Monciváis; IVETTE BUENDIA ROLDAN; LESLIE CHAVEZ GALAN16-jul-2021
13-abr-2021Low Incidence and Mortality by SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Healthcare Workers in a Health National Center in Mexico: Successful Establishment of an Occupational Medicine ProgramArtículoMiguel Angel Salazar Lezama; LESLIE CHAVEZ GALAN; Armando Castorena-Maldonado; Maribel Mateo Alonso; Nadia Otilia Díaz Vázquez; Ana María Vega Martínez; Jose arturo Martinez orozco; EDUARDO BECERRIL; Fernando Manuel Sosa Gómez; Hilda Patiño Gallegos; Delfino Alonso Martínez; Enrique López Segundo; Fernando Vidal Martínez; Luis Joan Velasco González; Silvia Pérez Pulido; patricio santillan_doherty; JUSTINO REGALADO PINEDA; JORGE SALAS HERNANDEZ; IVETTE BUENDIA ROLDAN16-jul-2021
15-jul-2021Characterization of long-term patient-reported symptoms of COVID-19: an analysis of social media dataPreimpresoJuan Banda; Nicola Adderley; Waheed-Ul-Rahman Ahmed; Heba Alghoul; Osaid Alser; Muath Alser; Carlos Areia; Mikail Gögenur; Kristina Fišter; Saurabh Gombar; Vojtech Huser; Jitendra Jonnagaddala; Lana Lai; Angela Leis; Lourdes Mateu; Miguel Angel Mayer; Evan Minty; Daniel Morales; Karthik Natarajan; Roger Paredes; Vyjeyanthi Periyakoil; Albert Prats Uribe; Elsie Gyang Ross; Gurdas V Singh; Vignesh Subbian; Arani Vivekanantham; Daniel Prieto_Alhambra16-jul-2021
14-jul-2021Does trust in government improve Covid-19's crisis management?PreimpresoAblam Estel APETI15-jul-2021
5-jul-2021Mitigating outbreaks in congregate settings by decreasing the size of the susceptible populationPreimpresoSeth Blumberg; Phoebe Lu; Christopher Hoover; James Lloyd_Smith; Ada Kwan; David Sears; Stefano M. Bertozzi; Lee Worden14-jul-2021
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 321 a 340 de 5926