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Resultados 1401-1410 de 7832.

Resultados por ítem:

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
2020HLA predictions from the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples of five patients at the early stage of the Wuhan seafood market COVID-19 outbreakArtículoRene L Warren.; Inanc Birol.-
2020Why differential equation based models fail to describe the dynamics of epidemics?ArtículoZ. Fodor.; S. D. Katz.; T. G. Kovacs.-
2020Reconfiguring and ramping-up ventilator production in the face of COVID-19: Can robots help?ArtículoAli Ahmad Malik.; Tariq Masood.; Rehana Kousar.-
2020Visual explanation of country specific differences in Covid-19 dynamicsArtículoNils Bertschinger.-
2020Glycosaminoglycan binding motif at S1/S2 proteolytic cleavage site on spike glycoprotein may facilitate novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) host cell entryArtículoSo Young Kim.; Weihua Jin.; Amika Sood.; David W. Montgomery.; Oliver C. Grant.; Mark M. Fuster.; Li Fu.; Jonathan S. Dordick.; Robert J. Woods.; Fuming Zhang.; Robert J. Linhardt.-
2020Complement associated microvascular injury and thrombosis in the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19 infection: A report of five casesArtículoMagro Cynthia.; Mulvey J. Justin.; Berlin David.; Nuovo Gerard.; Salvatore Steven.; Harp Joanna.; Baxter-Stoltzfus Amelia.; Laurence Jeffrey.-
2020Initial impacts of global risk mitigation measures taken during the combatting of the COVID-19 pandemicArtículoBruinen de Bruin Yuri.; Lequarre Anne-Sophie.; McCourt Josephine.; Clevestig Peter.; Pigazzani Filippo.; Zare Jeddi Maryam.; Colosio Claudio.; Goulart Margarida.-
2020Real-Time Differential Epidemic Analysis and Prediction for COVID-19 PandemicArtículoSheldon X. D. Tan.; Liang Chen.-
2020COVID-19: A model correlating BCG vaccination to protection from mortality implicates trained immunityArtículoCameron M. Green.; Stephanie Fanucchi.; Ezio T. Fok.; Simone J.C.F.M. Moorlag.; Jorge Dominguez-Andres.; Yutaka Negishi.; Leo A.B. Joosten.; Mihai G. Netea.; Musa M. Mhlanga.-
2020Flattening the curves: on-off lock-down strategies for COVID-19 with an application to BraziArtículoL. Tarrataca.; C. M. Dias.; D. B. Haddad.; E. F. Arruda.-

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