Artículos científicos Página de inicio de la colección

Esta colección contiene algunos de los artículos científicos y pre-impresos más relevantes sobre esta epidemia, mismos que se encuentran en acceso abierto, es decir, totalmente gratuitos y a texto completo para consulta del público en general.

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 5926
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
14-abr-2020COVID-19 most vulnerable Mexican cities lack the public health infrastructure to face the pandemic: a new temporally-explicit modelPreimpresoServio Pontes Ribeiro .; Wesley Dáttilo; Alcides Castro e Silva; Roger Guevara; Ian MacGregor-Fors21-jun-2022
26-nov-2020Diabetes and Mortality Among 1.6 Million Adult Patients Screened for SARS-CoV-2 in MexicoPreimpresoJuan Castilla Bancayan; Orison Woolcott21-jun-2022
20-nov-2020Clinical applications of machine learning on covid-19: the use of a decision tree algorithm for the assessment of perceived stress in mexican healthcare professionalsPreimpresoERIKA ZUÑIGA VIOLANTE; HÉCTOR FRANCO VILLARREAL; Gener Avilés-Rodríguez; Gerardo Raymundo Padilla Rivas; Cosío_León María de los Ángeles; Jose Francisco Islas ; Gerardo Romo-Cardenas; Juan Luis Delgado Gallegos21-jun-2022
30-oct-2021Correlates of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among People who Inject Drugs in the San Diego-Tijuana Border RegionPreimpresoDANIELA ABRAMOVITZ; ALICIA HARVEY_VERA; CARLOS VERA; RYLIE MITCHELL; IRINA ARTAMONOVA; THOMAS L. PATTERSON; Angela Bazzi; Maria Gudelia Rangel; Steffanie Strathdee21-jun-2022
7-abr-2021Detection of two CAL.20C SARS-CoV-2 variants in Monterrey metropolitan area in Northeast MexicoPreimpresoKame Galán-Huerta; Sonia Amelia Lozano Sepulveda; Ana Maria Rivas-Estilla; Natalia Martínez-Acuña; Daniel Arellanos Soto; Roberto Montes de Oca Luna; Consuelo Treviño; Javier Ramos/Jimenez; Manuel de la O20-jun-2022
18-jun-2021Phylogenomics and population genomics of SARS-CoV-2 in Mexico during the pre-vaccination stage reveals variants of interest B., B.1.1.222 or B.1.1.519 and B.1.243 with mutations in the Spike protein and the NucleocapsidPreimpresoALEJANDRA NATALI VEGA MAGAÑA; Jose Francisco Muñoz Valle; OCTAVIO PATRICIO GARCIA GONZALEZ; SOFIA BERNAL SILVA; Andreu Comas_García; Angelica Cibrian_Jaramillo; Francisco Barona Gómez; Luis Delaye; Fabien Plisson; ARELY CRUZ PEREZ; MAURICIO DIAZ SANCHEZ; CHRISTIAN A. GARCÍA-SEPÚLVEDA; Alejandro Sanchez_Flores; RAFAEL PÉREZ-ABREU; ERIK DÍAZ-VALENZUELA14-jun-2022
15-ago-2021Covid-19 Incidence And Mortality By Age Strata And Comorbidities In Mexico City: A Focus In The Pediatric PopulationPreimpresoNadia Gonzalez-García; María-F Castilla-Peon; Juan Garduño Espinosa; Fortino Solorzano Santos; Rodolfo Jiménez Juárez; Maria Elena Martínez Bustamante; MIGUEL ANGEL MINERO HIBERT7-jun-2022
16-may-2022Sociodemographic inequalities and excess non-COVID-19 mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic: A data-driven analysis of 1,069,174 death certificates in MexicoPreimpresoNeftali Eduardo Antonio Villa; Luisa Fernández Chirino; Carlos Fermín Martínez; Daniel Ramírez García; Arsenio Vargas Vázquez; Jacqueline Seiglie; Simon Barquera; Luis Miguel Gutiérrez Robledo; Omar Yaxmehen Bello-Chavolla; ARMANDO GONZALEZ DIAZ7-jun-2022
21-ene-2021State-of-the-Art Risk Models for Diabetes, Hypertension, Visual Diminution, and COVID-19 Severity in MexicoPreimpresoHeladio Amaya; Jennifer Enciso; DANIELA MEIZNER GREZEMKOVSKY; Alex Pentland .; ALEJANDRO NORIEGA CAMPERO7-jun-2022
16-abr-2022COVID-19 in the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) population. Prevalent symptomsPreimpresoARTURO JUAREZ FLORES; Iván de Jesús Ascencio-Montiel; Juan Pablo Gutierrez; Stefano M Bertozzi; Victor Hugo Borja Aburto; Olaiz Fernández Gustavo 7-jun-2022
5-nov-2021Machine Learning in the analysis of lethality and evolution of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) in workers of the Mexico City MetroPreimpresoJOAQUIN SALAS RODRIGUEZ; GUILLERMO DE ANDA JAUREGUI; Eréndira Itzel García Islas2-jun-2022
5-mar-2021Serological prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection and associated factors in healthcare workers in a “non-COVID” hospital in Mexico CityPreimpresoESTEBAN CRUZ ARENAS; CLAUDIA ADRIANA COLIN; Rafael Franco-Cendejas; Clemente Ibarra; Javier Perez-Orive; Sara Laguna Barcenas; Tatiana Chávez2-jun-2022
5-abr-2022Probability of hospitalization and death among COVID-19 patients with comorbidity during outbreaks occurring in Mexico CityPreimpresoJosé Sifuentes-Osornio; Ofelia Angulo; Guillermo de Anda Jáuregui; Juan Luis Díaz de León Santiago; Enrique Hernandez-Lemus; Hector Benítez; Luis A. Herrera; Oliva López_Arellano; Arturo Revuelta Herrera; Ana Rosa Rosales Tapia; Rosaura Ruiz Gutiérrez; MANUEL SUÁREZ; Claudia Sheinbaum; david kershenobich2-jun-2022
22-abr-2022Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine waning in MexicoPreimpresoEfrén Murillo-Zamora; Carlos Hernández Suarez17-may-2022
14-jul-2020Municipality- level predictors of COVID-19 mortality in Mexico: a cautionary talePreimpresoHector Lamadrid-Figueroa; ANA CRISTINA SEDAS; MERCEDES AGUERREBERE GOMEZ URQUIZA; CARLOS MANUEL GUERRERO LOPEZ; Alejandra Contreras17-may-2022
13-may-2020Migrants in transit and asylum seekers in Mexico: An epidemiological analysis of the COVID-19 pandemicPreimpresoCESAR INFANTE; Isabel VIEITEZ; Silvana Larrea; CHIARA SANTORO17-may-2022
15-dic-2020On the increasing role of older adolescents and younger adults during the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in MexicoPreimpresoBLANCA DE LA ROSA; Dalia Stern; Martin Lajous; Edward Goldstein13-may-2022
10-may-2022Association between environmental levels of PM2.5 and mortality from SARS-CoV-2 in inhabitants of Mexico CityPreimpresoARMANDO ALBERTO MORENO SANTILLAN; RODOLFO RIVAS RUIZ; ROCIO FUENTES VALDIVIESO; Ivonne Analí Roy García11-may-2022
21-mar-2022Cost-effectiveness of antigen testing for ending COVID-19 isolationPreimpresoSigal Maya; James G Kahn22-mar-2022
21-mar-2022An umbrella review and meta-analysis of the use of renin-angiotensin system drugs and COVID-19 outcomes: what do we know so far?PreimpresoAmanj Kurdi; Natalie Weir; Tanja Mueller22-mar-2022
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 5926