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Resultados 7301-7310 de 7832.

Resultados por ítem:

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
17-abr-2020State-level variation of initial COVID-19 dynamics in the United States: The role of local government interventionsPreimpresoEaston White; Laurent Hébert_Dufresne3-dic-2023
18-abr-2020Pandemic Publishing: Medical journals drastically speed up their publication process for Covid-19PreimpresoSerge P. J. M. Horbach3-dic-2023
17-abr-2020Countries should aim to lower the reproduction number ℛ close to 1.0 for the short-term mitigation of COVID-19 outbreaksPreimpresoMichael Hochberg3-dic-2023
17-abr-2020Estimate of COVID-19 case prevalence in India based on surveillance data of patients with severe acute respiratory illnessPreimpresoPADMANABAN VENKATESAN3-dic-2023
18-abr-2020A Heuristic Model for Spreading of COVID 19 in SingaporePreimpresoFook Hou Lee3-dic-2023
30-abr-2020Why lockdown? Simplified arithmetic tools for decision-makers, health professionals, journalists and the general public to explore containment options for the novel coronavirusPreimpresoGerry Killeen; Samson Kiware10-dic-2023
30-abr-2020Heparin therapy improving hypoxia in COVID-19 patients - a case seriesPreimpresoElnara Negri; Bruna Piloto; Luciana Morinaga; Carlos Jardim; Shari Anne El-Dash Lamy; Marcelo Ferreira; Elbio Antonio D’Amico; DANIEL DEHEINZELIN10-dic-2023
21-abr-2020Diagnosis and Prediction Model for COVID-19 Patient’s Response to Treatment based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Whale Optimization Algorithm Using CT ImagesPreimpresoSally Elghamrawy; Aboul Ella Hassanien10-dic-2023
3-dic-2023Substrate recognition and selectivity in SARS-CoV-2 main protease: Unveiling the role of subsite interactions through dynamical nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulationsPreimpresoHenry Chan; Ana Sofia Fernandes Oliveira; Adrian Mulholland; Christopher Schofield; Fernanda Duarte10-dic-2023
24-abr-2020Early forecasts of the evolution of the COVID-19 outbreaks and quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of countering measuresPreimpresoEmanuele Daddi; Mauro Giavalisco10-dic-2023

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