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Resultados 591-600 de 7832.

Resultados por ítem:

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
2020Safety and efficacy of different anesthetic regimens for parturients with COVID-19 undergoing Cesarean delivery: a case series of 17 patientsPreimpresoChen, R; Zhang, Y; Huang, L; Cheng, B; Xia, Z; Meng, Q-
2020Radiation Therapy in King County, Washington During The COVID-19 Pandemic: Balancing Patient Care, Transmission Mitigation and Resident TrainingPreimpresoDinh, T; Halasz, L; Ford, E; Rengan, R-
2020Clinical considerations for patients with diabetes in times of COVID-19 epidemicPreimpresoGupta, R; Ghosh, A; Singh, A; Misra, A-
2020Initial rapid and proactive response for the COVID-19 outbreak — Taiwan's experiencePreimpresoCheng, H; Li, S; Yang, C-
2020COVID-19 Therapeutic and PreventionPreimpresoRaoult, D; Hsueh, P; Stefani, S; Rolain, J-
2020Brain Awareness Week, CoVID-19 infection and Neurological SciencesPreimpresoFederico, A-
2020COVID-19: time for WHO to reconsider its stance towards TaiwanPreimpresoNelson, C-
23-abr-2020Comunicado Técnico Diario Nuevo Coronavirus en el Mundo (COVID-19) 23/04/2020Documento de trabajoSECRETARIA DE SALUD (SS)24-abr-2020
2020The Anesthesiologist and COVID-19PreimpresoQuintão, V; Simões, C; Lima, L; Barros, G; Salgado-Filho, M; Guimarães, G; Alves, R; Caetano, A; Schmidt, A; Carmona, M-
2020The True Challenges of the Covid-19 Epidemics: The Need for Essential Levels of Care for AllPreimpresoCarta, M; Romano, F; Orrù, G-

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