Materiales de Consulta y Comunicados Técnicos Página de inicio de la colección

Infografías, Comunicados Técnicos y materiales de consulta oficiales dirigidos a la población en general, sobre la prevención, el tratamiento y todo lo relacionado al Novel Coronavirus.

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 601 a 620 de 1906
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
30-oct-2023Colloidal aggregation confounds cell-based Covid-19 antiviral screensPreimpresoIsabella Glenn; Lauren Hall; Mir Khalid; Melanie Ott; Brian Shoichet20-nov-2023
30-oct-2023Predictive factors of non-pharmacological measures to prevent SARS-CoV-2 contagionPreimpresoCorel Mateo Canedo; Juan P. Sanabria-Mazo; Jose Blas Navarro Pastor; Igor Cigarroa; Maria Alvarez Moleiro; Manuel Armayones Ruiz; Luis Javier Martinez Blanquet; Rafael Zapata Lamana; Neus Crespo Puig; Antoni Sanz Ruiz17-nov-2023
30-oct-2023Serological markers and Post COVID-19 Condition (PCC) – A rapid review of the evidencePreimpresoErin Collins; Christopher Gravel; Steven Hawken; Marc_André Langlois; Julian LIttle17-nov-2023
1-nov-2023Stability of DNA-Methylation Profiles of Biological Aging in Children and AdolescentsPreimpresoAbby deSteiguer; Laurel Raffington; Aditi Sabhlok; Peter Tanksley; Elliot M. Tucker-Drob; Kathryn Harden17-nov-2023
3-abr-2020Projected ICU and Mortuary load due to COVID-19 in SydneyPreimpresoAndrew Francis; Yi Guo; Paul Hurley; Oliver Obst; Laurence Park; Mark Tanaka; Russell Thomson; X. Rosalind Wang17-nov-2023
26-abr-2020Using influenza surveillance networks to estimate state-specific case detection rates and forecast SARS-CoV-2 spread in the United StatesPreimpresoJustin Silverman; Nathaniel Hupert; Alex Washburne17-nov-2023
3-abr-2020Parametric analysis of early data on COVID-19 expansion in selected European countriesPreimpresoMartin Spousta17-nov-2023
3-abr-2020Simple model for Covid-19 epidemics – back-casting in China and forecasting in the USPreimpresoSlawomir Hermanowicz17-nov-2023
23-oct-2023Changes in total charge on spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 in emerging lineagesPreimpresoAnže Boži?; Rudolf Podgornik17-nov-2023
23-oct-2023Proportion of cancer cases and deaths attributable to potentially modifiable risk factors in Peru prior to the COVID-19 pandemicPreimpresoJhony A. De La Cruz-Vargas; WILLY RAMOS; Willer David Chanduví Puicon; Lucy E. Correa López; Nadia Guerrero; Joan Loayza castro; Irene Tamí-Maury; diego venegas17-nov-2023
23-oct-2023Chronic post-COVID neuropsychiatric symptoms persisting beyond one year from infection: a case-control study and network analysisPreimpresoSteven Wai Ho Chau; Timothy Chue; Ngan Yin Chan; Yee Lok Lai; Shirley Xin Li; Paul Wong; Yaping Liu; Joey Chan; Paul Chan; Christopher Lai; Thomas W Leung; Yun kwok Wing17-nov-2023
24-oct-2023Nonspecific membrane bilayer perturbations by ivermectin underlie SARS-CoV-2 in vitro activityPreimpresoRichard Eastman; Radda Rusinova; Karl Herold; Xi-Ping Huang; Patricia Dranchak; Ty Voss; sandeep rana; Jonathan Shrimp; Alex White; Hugh Hemmings; Bryan Roth; James Inglese; Olaf Andersen; Jayme Dahlin17-nov-2023
25-oct-2023VIPERA: Viral Intra-Patient Evolution Reporting and AnalysisPreimpresoMiguel Álvarez Herrera; Jordi Sevilla Fortuny; Paula Ruiz-Rodriguez; ANDREA VERGARA; Jordi Vila; Pablo Cano Jiménez; Fernando Gonzalez_Candelas; Iñaki Comas; Mireia Coscolla17-nov-2023
25-oct-2023Simulation-Driven Design of Stabilized SARS-CoV-2 Spike S2 ImmunogensPreimpresoXandra Nuqui; Lorenzo Casalino; Ling Zhou; Mohamed Shehata; Albert Wang; Alexandra Tse; ANUPAM ANAND OJHA; Fiona Kearns; Mia Rosenfeld; Emily Miller; Cory Acreman; Surl-Hee (Shirley) Ahn; kartik chandran; Jason McLellan; Rommie Amaro17-nov-2023
25-oct-2023‘We are not the virus’ – Experiences of racism among East & Southeast Asian heritage young people in London during the height of the COVID-19 pandemicPreimpresoLu Gram; Ada Mau17-nov-2023
25-oct-2023Projections of the incidence of COVID-19 in Japan and the potential impact of a Fall 2023 COVID-19 VaccinePreimpresoMichele Kohli; Michael Maschio; Jin-A Lee; ataru igarashi17-nov-2023
26-oct-2023The experiences and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Young Carers: practice implications and planning for future health emergenciesPreimpresoDan Hayes; Daisy Fancourt; Alexandra Burton17-nov-2023
26-oct-2023Medical tourism’s vulnerability to COVID-19 and its path to recovery: a 10-year data analysis of international patient visitsPreimpresoGihyun Myung; Juwon Lim17-nov-2023
26-oct-2023Assessing the causal effect of air pollution on risk of SARS-CoV-2 infectionPreimpresoThomas Byrne; Annalan Navaratnam; Sarah Beale; Yamina Boukari; Vincent Nguyen; Wing Lam Erica Fong; Isobel Braithwaite; Ellen Fragaszy; Cyril Geismar; Jana Kovar; Parth Patel; Madhumita Shrotri; Alexei Yavlinsky; Andrew Hayward; Haneen Khreis; Robert Aldridge17-nov-2023
1-abr-2020The Institutional and Cultural Context of Cross-National Variation in COVID-19 OutbreaksPreimpresoWolfgang Messner17-nov-2023
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 601 a 620 de 1906