Artículos científicos Página de inicio de la colección

Esta colección contiene algunos de los artículos científicos y pre-impresos más relevantes sobre esta epidemia, mismos que se encuentran en acceso abierto, es decir, totalmente gratuitos y a texto completo para consulta del público en general.

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 661 a 680 de 5926
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
2020Initial public health response and interim clinical guidance for the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak - United States, December 31, 2019-February 4, 2020PreimpresoPatel, A; Jernigan, D-
2020Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive studyPreimpresoChen, N; Zhou, M; Dong, X; Qu, J; Gong, F; Han, Y; Qiu, Y; Wang, J; Liu, Y; Wei, Y; Xia, J; Yu, T; Zhang, X; Zhang, L-
2020Initial Public Health Response and Interim Clinical Guidance for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak - United States, December 31, 2019-February 4, 2020PreimpresoPatel, A; Jernigan, D-
20202019-nCoV: The Identify-Isolate-Inform (3I) Tool Applied to a Novel Emerging CoronavirusPreimpresoKoenig, K; Beÿ, C; McDonald, E-
2020When will be the resumption of work in Wuhan and its surrounding areas during COVID-19 epidemic? A data-driven network modeling analysisPreimpresoWang Xia; Tang Sanyi; Chen Yong; Feng Xiaomei; Xiao Yanni; Xu Zongben-
2020COVID-19: Real-time dissemination of scientific information to fight a public health emergency of international concernPreimpresoSong, P; Karako, T-
2020Consistent Detection of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in SalivaPreimpresoTo, K; Tsang, O; Yip, C; Chan, K; Wu, T; Chan, J; Leung, W; Chik, T; Choi, C; Kandamby, D; Lung, D; Tam, A; Poon, R; Fung, A; Hung, I; Cheng, V; Chan, J; Yuen, K-
2020Epidemiologic characteristics of early cases with 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) disease in KoreaPreimpresoKi, M-
2020Protecting Healthcare Workers During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak: Lessons From Taiwan’s Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ResponsePreimpresoSchwartz, J; King, C; Yen, M-
2020Experimental Treatment with Favipiravir for COVID-19: An Open-Label Control StudyPreimpresoCai, Q; Yang, M; Liu, D; Chen, J; Shu, D; Xia, J; Liao, X; Gu, Y; Cai, Q; Yang, Y; Shen, C; Li, X; Peng, L; Huang, D; Zhang, J; Zhang, S; Wang, F; Liu, J; Chen, L; Chen, S; Wang, Z; Zhang, Z; Cao, R; Zhong, W; Liu, Y; Liu, L-
2020Patients of COVID-19 may benefit from sustained lopinavir-combined regimen and the increase of eosinophil may predict the outcome of COVID-19 progressionPreimpresoLiu, F; Xu, A; Zhang, Y; Xuan, W; Yan, T; Pan, K; Yu, W; Zhang, J-
2020Case of the index patient who caused tertiary transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 in Korea: The application of lopinavir/ritonavir for the treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia monitored by quantitative RT-PCRPreimpresoLim, J; Jeon, S; Shin, H; Kim, M; Seong, Y; Lee, W; Choe, K; Kang, Y; Lee, B; Park, S-
2020Challenges to the system of reserve medical supplies for public health emergencies: reflections on the outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic in ChinaPreimpresoWang, X; Zhang, X; He, J-
2020A Sequence Homology and Bioinformatic Approach Can Predict Candidate Targets for Immune Responses to SARS-CoV-2PreimpresoGrifoni, A; Sidney, J; Zhang, Y; Scheuermann, R; Peters, B; Sette, A-
2020Structural basis for the recognition of SARS-CoV-2 by full-length human ACE2PreimpresoYan, R; Zhang, Y; Li, Y; Xia, L; Guo, Y; Zhou, Q-
2020SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) by the numbersPreimpresoBar-On, Y; Flamholz, A; Phillips, R; Milo, R-
2020The species Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus: classifying 2019-nCoV and naming it SARS-CoV-2PreimpresoGorbalenya, A; Baker, S; Baric, R; de Groot, R; Drosten, C; Gulyaeva, A; Haagmans, B; Lauber, C; Leontovich, A; Neuman, B; Penzar, D; Perlman, S; Poon, L; Samborskiy, D; Sidorov, I; Sola, I; Ziebuhr, J-
2020Assessment of the SARS-CoV-2 basic reproduction number, R0, based on the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak in ItalyPreimpresoD'Arienzo, M; Coniglio, A-
2020Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, ChinaPreimpresoHuang, C; Wang, Y; Li, X; Ren, L; Zhao, J; Hu, Y; Zhang, L; Fan, G; Xu, J; Gu, X; Cheng, Z; Yu, T; Xia, J; Wei, Y; Wu, W; Xie, X; Yin, W; Li, H; Liu, M; Xiao, Y; Gao, H; Guo, L; Xie, J; Wang, G; Jiang, R; Gao, Z; Jin, Q; Wang, J; Cao, B-
2020Epidemiologic and Clinical Characteristics of 91 Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 in Zhejiang, China: A retrospective, multi-centre case seriesPreimpresoQian, G; Yang, N; Ding, F; Ma, A; Wang, Z; Shen, Y; Shi, C; Lian, X; Chu, J; Chen, L; Wang, Z; Ren, D; Li, G; Chen, X; Shen, H; Chen, X-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 661 a 680 de 5926