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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
2020Clinical, laboratory and imaging features of COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysisPreimpresoRodriguez-Morales, A; Cardona-Ospina, J; Gutiérrez-Ocampo, E; Villamizar-Peña, R; Holguin-Rivera, Y; Escalera-Antezana, J; Alvarado-Arnez, L; Bonilla-Aldana, D; Franco-Paredes, C; Henao-Martinez, A; Paniz-Mondolfi, A; Lagos-Grisales, G; Ramírez-Vallejo, E; Suárez, J; Zambrano, L; Villamil-Gómez, W; Balbin-Ramon, G; Rabaan, A; Harapan, H; Dhama, K; Nishiura, H; Kataoka, H; Ahmad, T; Sah, R-
2020COVID-19 in Latin America: The implications of the first confirmed case in BrazilPreimpresoRodriguez-Morales, A; Gallego, V; Escalera-Antezana, J; Méndez, C; Zambrano, L; Franco-Paredes, C; Suárez, J; Rodriguez-Enciso, H; Balbin-Ramon, G; Savio-Larriera, E; Risquez, A; Cimerman, S-
2020The COVID-19 outbreak and implications for the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic GamesPreimpresoGallego, V; Nishiura, H; Sah, R; Rodriguez-Morales, A-
2020COVID-19: Zoonotic aspectsPreimpresoHaroon.; Ahmad, T; Khan, M; Musa, T; Nasir, S; Hui, J; Bonilla-Aldana, D; Rodriguez-Morales, A-
2020The first 2019 novel coronavirus case in NepalPreimpresoBastola, A; Sah, R; Rodriguez-Morales, A; Lal, B; Jha, R; Ojha, H; Shrestha, B; Chu, D; Poon, L; Costello, A; Morita, K; Pandey, B-
2020Coronavirus infections reported by ProMED, February 2000–January 2020PreimpresoBonilla-Aldana, D; Holguin-Rivera, Y; Cortes-Bonilla, I; Cardona-Trujillo, M; García-Barco, A; Bedoya-Arias, H; Rabaan, A; Sah, R; Rodriguez-Morales, A-

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