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Browsing by Author Zhang, L

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2020A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat originPreimpresoZhou, P; Yang, X; Wang, X; Hu, B; Zhang, L; Zhang, W; Si, H; Zhu, Y; Li, B; Huang, C; Chen, H; Chen, J; Luo, Y; Guo, H; Jiang, R; Liu, M; Chen, Y; Shen, X; Wang, X; Zheng, X; Zhao, K; Chen, Q; Deng, F; Liu, L; Yan, B; Zhan, F; Wang, Y; Xiao, G; Shi, Z-
2020A Sever case of of SARS-CoV-2 infection in GansuPreimpresoZhang, Y; Zhang, L-
2019Antibodies and vaccines against Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirusPreimpresoXu, J; Jia, W; Wang, P; Zhang, S; Shi, X; Wang, X; Zhang, L-
2020Chinese experts’ consensus on the Internet of Things-aided diagnosis and treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)PreimpresoBai, L; Yang, D; Wang, X; Tong, L; Zhu, X; Zhong, N; Bai, C; Powell, C; Chen, R; Zhou, J; Song, Y; Zhou, X; Zhu, H; Han, B; Li, Q; Shi, G; Li, S; Wang, C; Qiu, Z; Zhang, Y; Xu, Y; Liu, J; Zhang, D; Wu, C; Li, J; Yu, J; Wang, J; Dong, C; Wang, Y; Wang, Q; Zhang, L; Zhang, M; Ma, X; Zhao, L; Yu, W; Xu, T; Jin, Y; Wang, X; Wang, Y; Jiang, Y; Chen, H; Xiao, K; Zhang, X; Song, Z; Zhang, Z; Wu, X; Sun, J; Shen, Y; Ye, M; Tu, C; Jiang, J; Yu, H; Tan, F-
2020Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients undergoing surgeries during the incubation period of COVID-19 infectionPreimpresoLei, S; Jiang, F; Su, W; Chen, C; Chen, J; Mei, W; Zhan, L; Jia, Y; Zhang, L; Liu, D; Xia, Z; Xia, Z-
2020Clinical course and outcomes of critically ill patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a single-centered, retrospective, observational studyPreimpresoYang, X; Yu, Y; Xu, J; Shu, H; Xia, J; Liu, H; Wu, Y; Zhang, L; Yu, Z; Fang, M; Yu, T; Wang, Y; Pan, S; Zou, X; Yuan, S; Shang, Y-
2020Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, ChinaPreimpresoHuang, C; Wang, Y; Li, X; Ren, L; Zhao, J; Hu, Y; Zhang, L; Fan, G; Xu, J; Gu, X; Cheng, Z; Yu, T; Xia, J; Wei, Y; Wu, W; Xie, X; Yin, W; Li, H; Liu, M; Xiao, Y; Gao, H; Guo, L; Xie, J; Wang, G; Jiang, R; Gao, Z; Jin, Q; Wang, J; Cao, B-
2020Complete genome sequences of five human coronavirus NL63 strains causing respiratory illness in hospitalized children in ChinaPreimpresoZhang, L; Gan, M; Zhang, Z; Li, X; Liu, W; Zhu, A; Sun, J; Li, F; Wang, Y; Zhang, F; Zhao, J; Zhou, R; Zhao, J-
2020Core Outcome Set for Clinical Trials on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COS-COVID)PreimpresoJin, X; Pang, B; Zhang, J; Liu, Q; Yang, Z; Feng, J; Liu, X; Zhang, L; Wang, B; Huang, Y; Josephine Fauci, A; Ma, Y; Soo Lee, M; Yuan, W; Xie, Y; Tang, J; Gao, R; Du, L; Zhang, S; Qi, H; Sun, Y; Zheng, W; Yang, F; Chua, H; Wang, K; Ou, Y; Huang, M; Zhu, Y; Yu, J; Tian, J; Zhao, M; Hu, J; Yao, C; Li, Y; Zhang, B-
2020Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pneumonia in a Hemodialysis PatientPreimpresoTang, B; Li, S; Xiong, Y; Tian, M; Yu, J; Xu, L; Zhang, L; Li, Z; Ma, J; Wen, F; Feng, Z; Liang, X; Shi, W; Liu, S-
2019Delicate structural coordination of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus Nsp13 upon ATP hydrolysisPreimpresoJia, Z; Yan, L; Ren, Z; Wu, L; Wang, J; Guo, J; Zheng, L; Ming, Z; Zhang, L; Lou, Z; Rao, Z-
2020Discovery of a novel coronavirus associated with the recent pneumonia outbreak in humans and its potential bat originPreimpresoZhou, P; Yang, X; Wang, X; Hu, B; Zhang, L; Zhang, W; Si, H; Zhu, Y; Li, B; Huang, C; Chen, H; Chen, J; Luo, Y; Guo, H; Jiang, R; Liu, M; Chen, Y; Shen, X; Zheng, X; Zhao, K; Chen, Q; Deng, F; Liu, L; Yan, B; Zhan, F; Wang, Y; Xiao, G; Shi, Z-
2020Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive studyPreimpresoChen, N; Zhou, M; Dong, X; Qu, J; Gong, F; Han, Y; Qiu, Y; Wang, J; Liu, Y; Wei, Y; Xia, J; Yu, T; Zhang, X; Zhang, L-
2019From SARS to MERS, thrusting coronaviruses into the spotlightPreimpresoSong, Z; Xu, Y; Bao, L; Zhang, L; Yu, P; Qu, Y; Zhu, H; Zhao, W; Han, Y; Qin, C-
2020Genomic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 in Coronavirus Disease 2019 patientsPreimpresoShen, Z; Xiao, Y; Kang, L; Ma, W; Shi, L; Zhang, L; Zhou, Z; Yang, J; Zhong, J; Yang, D; Guo, L; Zhang, G; Li, H; Xu, Y; Chen, M; Gao, Z; Wang, J; Ren, L; Li, M-
2020Imaging and clinical features of patients with 2019 novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2PreimpresoXu, X; Yu, C; Qu, J; Zhang, L; Jiang, S; Huang, D; Chen, B; Zhang, Z; Guan, W; Ling, Z; Jiang, R; Hu, T; Ding, Y; Lin, L; Gan, Q; Luo, L; Tang, X; Liu, J-
2020Imaging features of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumoniaPreimpresoXu, X; Yu, C; Zhang, L; Luo, L; Liu, J-
2020Necessitating repeated chest CT in COVID-19 pneumoniaPreimpresoLi, M; Zhang, L; Tian, G; Hao, X-
2019Novel bat alphacoronaviruses in Southern China support chinese horseshoe bats as an important reservoir for potential novel coronavirusesPreimpresoLau, S; Wong, A; Zhang, L; Luk, H; Kwok, J; Ahmed, S; Cai, J; Zhao, P; Teng, J; Tsui, S; Yuen, K; Woo, P-
2020Optimization of the intravenous infusion workflow in isolation ward for patients with coronavirus disease 2019PreimpresoSong, Y; Wang, W; Zhang, L; Sha, L; Lu, G-