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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2020Communicating the Risk of Death from Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)PreimpresoKobayashi, T; Jung, S; Linton, N; Kinoshita, R; Hayashi, K; Miyama, T; Anzai, A; Yang, Y; Yuan, B; Akhmetzhanov, A; Suzuki, A; Nishiura, H-
2020Real-Time Estimation of the Risk of Death from Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection: Inference Using Exported CasesPreimpresoJung, S; Akhmetzhanov, A; Hayashi, K; Linton, N; Yang, Y; Yuan, B; Kobayashi, T; Kinoshita, R; Nishiura, H-
2020Incubation Period and Other Epidemiological Characteristics of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Infections with Right Truncation: A Statistical Analysis of Publicly Available Case DataPreimpresoLinton, N; Kobayashi, T; Yang, Y; Hayashi, K; Akhmetzhanov, A; Jung, S; Yuan, B; Kinoshita, R; Nishiura, H-
2020Assessing the Impact of Reduced Travel on Exportation Dynamics of Novel Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19)PreimpresoAnzai, A; Kobayashi, T; Linton, N; Kinoshita, R; Hayashi, K; Suzuki, A; Yang, Y; Jung, S; Miyama, T; Akhmetzhanov, A; Nishiura, H-
2020The Rate of Underascertainment of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Infection: Estimation Using Japanese Passengers Data on Evacuation FlightsPreimpresoNishiura, H; Kobayashi, T; Yang, Y; Hayashi, K; Miyama, T; Kinoshita, R; Linton, N; Jung, S; Yuan, B; Suzuki, A; Akhmetzhanov, A-
2020The Extent of Transmission of Novel Coronavirus in Wuhan, China, 2020PreimpresoNishiura, H; Jung, S; Linton, N; Kinoshita, R; Yang, Y; Hayashi, K; Kobayashi, T; Yuan, B; Akhmetzhanov, A-
2020Estimation of the asymptomatic ratio of novel coronavirus infections (COVID-19)PreimpresoNishiura, H; Kobayashi, T; Suzuki, A; Jung, S; Hayashi, K; Kinoshita, R; Yang, Y; Yuan, B; Akhmetzhanov, A; Linton, N; Miyama, T-
