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Results 31-40 of 422 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Item hits:

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
16-Jan-2022Forecast of omicron wave time evolutionPreimpresoReinhard Schlickeiser; Martin Kroger17-Jan-2022
14-Jan-2022Hydroxychloroquine/Chloroquine in COVID-19 With Focus on Hospitalized Patients - A Systematic ReviewPreimpresoDaniel Freilich; Jennifer Victory; Anne Gadomski17-Jan-2022
14-Jan-2022High-cited favorable studies for COVID-19 treatments ineffective in large trialsPreimpresoJohn Ioannidis17-Jan-2022
14-Jan-2022ATP6V1B2 and IFI27 and their intrinsic functional genomic characteristics associated with SARS-CoV-2PreimpresoZhengjun Zhang17-Jan-2022
14-Jan-2022Effects of medical school on mental health and sleep habitsPreimpresoBlake McKinley; Bryan Daines; Mitchell Allen; Kayd Pulsipher; Isain Zapata; Benjamin Wilde17-Jan-2022
15-Jan-2022Validation of a clinical and genetic model for predicting severe COVID-19PreimpresoGillian Dite; Nicholas Murphy; Erika Spaeth; Richard Allman17-Jan-2022
15-Jan-2022Comunicado Técnico Diario Nuevo Coronavirus en el Mundo (COVID-19) 15/01/2022Documento de trabajoSECRETARIA DE SALUD (SS)17-Jan-2022
16-Jan-2022Comunicado Técnico Diario Nuevo Coronavirus en el Mundo (COVID-19) 16/01/2022Documento de trabajoSECRETARIA DE SALUD (SS)17-Jan-2022
17-Jan-2022Pooled RNA: extraction free testing of saliva for SARS-CoV-2 detectionPreimpresoOrchid Allicock; Devyn Yolda-Carr; John Todd; Anne Wyllie18-Jan-2022
7-Jan-2022Highly coordinated nationwide massive travel restrictions are central to effective mitigation and control of COVID-19 outbreaks in ChinaPreimpresoXingru Chen; Feng Fu18-Jan-2022
