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Resultados 7451-7460 de 7832.

Resultados por ítem:

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
8-may-2020Phenomenological Modelling of COVID-19 epidemics in Sri Lanka, Italy and Hebei Province of ChinaPreimpresoChaditha Attanayake; Sanjeewa Perera; Saroj Jayasinghe1-feb-2024
8-may-2020Acceptability of app-based contact tracing for COVID-19: Cross-country survey evidencePreimpresosamuel altmann; Luke Milsom; Hannah Zillessen; Raffaele Pio Blasone; Frederic Gerdon; Ruben Bach; Frauke Kreuter; Daniele Nosenzo; Severine Toussaert; Johannes Abeler1-feb-2024
7-jun-2020Using viral genomics to estimate undetected infections and extent of superspreading events for COVID-19PreimpresoLucy Li1-feb-2024
8-may-2020Initial Model for the Impact of Social Distancing on CoVID-19 SpreadPreimpresoGenghmun Eng1-feb-2024
30-ago-2020The First Wave of COVID-19 in Israel – Initial Analysis of Publicly Available DataPreimpresoMark Last1-feb-2024
14-jul-2020Bidirectional contact tracing dramatically improves COVID-19 controlPreimpresoWilliam Bradshaw; Ethan Alley; Jonathan Huggins; Alun Lloyd; Kevin Esvelt1-feb-2024
9-may-2020Phasic containment of COVID-19 in substantially affected states of IndiaPreimpresoManisha Mandal; Shyamapada Mandal1-feb-2024
9-may-2020Application-oriented mathematical algorithms for group testingPreimpresoEndre Csóka1-feb-2024
13-may-2020Metapopulation modeling of COVID-19 advancing into the countryside: an analysis of mitigation strategies for BrazilPreimpresoGuilherme Costa; Wesley Cota; Silvio Ferreira2-feb-2024
22-dic-2020Prediction of 2019-nCov in Italy based on PSO and inversion analysisPreimpresoSiyi Sun; Yangping Zheng2-feb-2024

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