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Resultados 6871-6880 de 7832.

Resultados por ítem:

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
4-mar-2022Comunicado Técnico Diario Nuevo Coronavirus en el Mundo (COVID-19) 04/03/2022Documento de trabajoSECRETARIA DE SALUD (SS)15-mar-2022
10-mar-2022Comunicado Técnico Diario Nuevo Coronavirus en el Mundo (COVID-19) 10/03/2022Documento de trabajoSECRETARIA DE SALUD (SS)15-mar-2022
5-mar-2022Comunicado Técnico Diario Nuevo Coronavirus en el Mundo (COVID-19) 05/03/2022Documento de trabajoSECRETARIA DE SALUD (SS)15-mar-2022
24-feb-2022SARS-CoV-2 Infection Breakthrough among the non-vaccinated and vaccinated: a Real World Evidence study based on Big DataPreimpresoAlessandro Perrella; MASSIMO BISOGNO; ANGELO D´ARGENZIO; UGO TRAMA; Enrico Coscioni; valentina orlando24-feb-2022
22-feb-2022Psychological and financial impacts of COVID-19-related travel measures: An international cross-sectional studyPreimpresoPippa McDermid; SOUMYA SOOPPIYARAGATH; Adam Craig; Meru Sheel; Katrina Blazek; SIOBHAN TALTY; Holly Seale23-feb-2022
22-feb-2022Tackling the first COVID-19 wave at the Cape Town Hospital of Hope: Why was it such a positive experience for staff?PreimpresoSteve Reid; MITAN NANA; THEO ABRAHAMS; Klaus von Pressentin; RONIT OKUN; Tasleem Ras; Nadia Hussey23-feb-2022
22-feb-2022The efficacy, effectiveness and safety of SARS-CoV-2 disinfection methods (including ozone machines) in educational settings for children and young peoplePreimpresoDeborah Edwards; Judit Csontos; Elizabeth Gillen; Ruth Lewis; Alison Cooper; Micaela Gal; Rebecca-Jane Law; Adrian Edwards23-feb-2022
24-feb-2022Omicron and Alpha P680H block SARS-CoV2 spike protein from accessing cholinergic inflammatory pathway via α9-nAChR mitigating the risk of MIS-CPreimpresoCarlos Camacho; ULISES SANTIAGO24-feb-2022
18-feb-2022COVID-19 and Science Communication: The Recording and Reporting of Disease MortalityPreimpresoOgnjen Arandjelovic23-feb-2022
24-feb-2022Preliminary Evidence of a Link between COVID-19 Vaccines and Otologic SymptomsPreimpresoRamsi Woodcock; Loren Bartels24-feb-2022

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