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Resultados 611-620 de 7832.

Resultados por ítem:

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
2020A Promising Anti-Cytokine-Storm Targeted Therapy for COVID-19: The Artificial-Liver Blood-Purification SystemPreimpresoZhang, Y; Yu, L; Tang, L; Zhu, M; Jin, Y; Wang, Z; Li, L-
2020Critical care crisis and some recommendations during the COVID-19 epidemic in ChinaPreimpresoXie, J; Tong, Z; Guan, X; Du, B; Qiu, H; Slutsky, A-
2020Game consumption and the 2019 novel coronavirusPreimpresoLi, J; Li, J; Xie, X; Cai, X; Huang, J; Tian, X; Zhu, H-
2020Mental health care measures in response to the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak in KoreaPreimpresoPark, S; Park, Y-
2020Imaging changes in severe COVID-19 pneumoniaPreimpresoZhang, W-
2020Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy Recommendations in Response to COVID-19PreimpresoZaorsky, N; Yu, J; McBride, S; Dess, R; Jackson, W; Mahal, B; Chen, R; Choudhury, A; Henry, A; Syndikus, I; Mitin, T; Tree, A; Kishan, A; Spratt, D-
2020The 2019-new coronavirus epidemic: Evidence for virus evolutionPreimpresoBenvenuto, D; Giovanetti, M; Ciccozzi, A; Spoto, S; Angeletti, S; Ciccozzi, M-
2020Diagnosis and treatment recommendations for pediatric respiratory infection caused by the 2019 novel coronavirusPreimpresoChen, Z; Fu, J; Shu, Q; Chen, Y; Hua, C; Li, F; Lin, R; Tang, L; Wang, T; Wang, W; Wang, Y; Xu, W; Yang, Z; Ye, S; Yuan, T; Zhang, C; Zhang, Y-
2020Propagation analysis and prediction of the COVID-19PreimpresoLi, L; Yang, Z; Dang, Z; Meng, C; Huang, J; Meng, H; Wang, D; Chen, G; Zhang, J; Peng, H; Shao, Y-
2020Coronaviruses: A paradigm of new emerging zoonotic diseasesPreimpresoSalata, C; Calistri, A; Parolin, C; Palù, G-

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