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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
2020The effect of control strategies to reduce social mixing on outcomes of the COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan, China: a modelling studyPreimpresoPrem, K; Liu, Y; Russell, T; Kucharski, A; Eggo, R; Davies, N; Jit, M; Klepac, P; Flasche, S; Clifford, S; Pearson, C; Munday, J; Abbott, S; Gibbs, H; Rosello, A; Quilty, B; Jombart, T; Sun, F; Diamond, C; Gimma, A; van Zandvoort, K; Funk, S; Jarvis, C; Edmunds, W; Bosse, N; Hellewell, J-
2020Early dynamics of transmission and control of COVID-19: a mathematical modelling studyPreimpresoKucharski, A; Russell, T; Diamond, C; Liu, Y; Edmunds, J; Funk, S; Eggo, R; Sun, F; Jit, M; Munday, J; Davies, N; Gimma, A; van Zandvoort, K; Gibbs, H; Hellewell, J; Jarvis, C; Clifford, S; Quilty, B; Bosse, N; Abbott, S; Klepac, P; Flasche, S-
2020Feasibility of controlling COVID-19 outbreaks by isolation of cases and contactsPreimpresoHellewell, J; Abbott, S; Gimma, A; Bosse, N; Jarvis, C; Russell, T; Munday, J; Kucharski, A; Edmunds, W; Sun, F; Flasche, S; Quilty, B; Davies, N; Liu, Y; Clifford, S; Klepac, P; Jit, M; Diamond, C; Gibbs, H; van Zandvoort, K; Funk, S; Eggo, R-
2020The transmissibility of novel Coronavirus in the early stages of the 2019-20 outbreak in Wuhan: Exploring initial point-source exposure sizes and durations using scenario analysisPreimpresoAbbott, S; Hellewell, J; Munday, J; Funk, S-
2019Differential recognition of peptides within feline coronavirus polyprotein 1 ab by sera from healthy cats and cats with feline infectious peritonitisPreimpresoChernyavtseva, A; Cave, N; Munday, J; Dunowska, M-

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