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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
2020COVID-19 Order (2020-03-25): Order Extending the Temporary Closure of All Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools ; Coronavirus Disease 2019 Order ; Emergency Order ; Order Extending the Temporary Closure of All Public and Private Elementary and Secondary SchoolsArtículoMassachusetts. Governor.-
2020Baker-Polito Administration Announces Extension of School and Non- Emergency Child Care Program Closures and Steps to Ensure Housing Stability To Support COVID-19 ResponseArtículoMassachusetts. Governor.-
2020COVID-19 Order (2020-03-25): Order Extending the Temporary Closing of All Non-Emergency Child Care Programs ; Coronavirus Disease 2019 Order ; Emergency Order ; Order Extending the Temporary Closing of All Non-Emergency Child Care ProgramsArtículoMassachusetts. Governor.-
2020Baker-Polito Administration Announces COVID-19 Response Command Center Advisory Board of Medical Experts, Infectious Disease SpecialistsArtículoMassachusetts. Governor.-
2020Baker-Polito Administration Files Legislation to Address Challenges Faced by Municipalities, School Districts During COVID-19 OutbreakArtículoMassachusetts. Governor.-
2020Governor Charlie Baker Orders All Non-Essential Businesses To Cease In Person Operation, Directs the Department of Public Health to Issue Stay at Home Advisory For Two WeeksArtículoMassachusetts. Governor.-
2020COVID-19 Order (2020-03-23): Order Assuring Continued Operation of Essential Services in the Commonwealth, Closing Certain Workplaces, and Prohibiting Gatherings of More Than 10 People ; Coronavirus Disease 2019 Order ; Emergency Order ; Order Assuring Continued Operation of Essential Services in the Commonwealth, Closing Certain Workplaces, and Prohibiting Gatherings of More Than 10 PeopleArtículoMassachusetts. Governor.-

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