Materiales de Consulta y Comunicados Técnicos Página de inicio de la colección

Infografías, Comunicados Técnicos y materiales de consulta oficiales dirigidos a la población en general, sobre la prevención, el tratamiento y todo lo relacionado al Novel Coronavirus.

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 521 a 540 de 1906
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
20-abr-2020Community Memory of COVID-19 Infections Post Lockdown as a Surrogate for Incubation TimePreimpresoMeher Prakash10-dic-2023
30-abr-2020Why lockdown? Simplified arithmetic tools for decision-makers, health professionals, journalists and the general public to explore containment options for the novel coronavirusPreimpresoGerry Killeen; Samson Kiware10-dic-2023
30-abr-2020Heparin therapy improving hypoxia in COVID-19 patients - a case seriesPreimpresoElnara Negri; Bruna Piloto; Luciana Morinaga; Carlos Jardim; Shari Anne El-Dash Lamy; Marcelo Ferreira; Elbio Antonio D’Amico; DANIEL DEHEINZELIN10-dic-2023
1-dic-2023Fitness models provide accurate short-term forecasts of SARS-CoV-2 variant frequencyPreimpresoEslam Abousamra; Trevor Bedford; Marlin Figgins10-dic-2023
3-dic-2023Substrate recognition and selectivity in SARS-CoV-2 main protease: Unveiling the role of subsite interactions through dynamical nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulationsPreimpresoHenry Chan; Ana Sofia Fernandes Oliveira; Adrian Mulholland; Christopher Schofield; Fernanda Duarte10-dic-2023
4-dic-2023Sex-Specific Systemic Inflammatory Responses in Mice Infected with a SARS-CoV-2-like Virus and Femur FracturePreimpresoMatthew Patrick; Austin Foster; Arun Aneja; Ramkumar TA10-dic-2023
8-dic-2023Expression profile analysis of COVID-19 patientsPreimpresoValentin Shimansky; Oleg Popov; Tatiana Klochkova; svetlana apalko; Natalya Sushentseva; Anna Anisenkova; Sergei Mosenko; Sergey Shcherbak10-dic-2023
5-dic-2023#GotGlycans: Role of N343 Glycosylation on the SARS-CoV-2 S RBD Structure and Co-Receptor Binding Across Variants of ConcernPreimpresoCallum Ives; Linh Nguyen; Carl Fogarty; Aoife Harbison; Yves Durocher; John Klassen; Elisa Fadda10-dic-2023
7-dic-2023Influenza Mortality as an Indicator of the Efficacy of COVID-Related, Non-pharmaceutical Interventions to Reduce the Spread of Respiratory InfectionsPreimpresoRobert Morris10-dic-2023
18-abr-2020A Heuristic Model for Spreading of COVID 19 in SingaporePreimpresoFook Hou Lee3-dic-2023
17-may-2020Pandemic Publishing: Medical journals drastically speed up their publication process for Covid-19PreimpresoSotiris Vandoros3-dic-2023
18-abr-2020Pandemic Publishing: Medical journals drastically speed up their publication process for Covid-19PreimpresoSerge P. J. M. Horbach3-dic-2023
17-abr-2020Countries should aim to lower the reproduction number ℛ close to 1.0 for the short-term mitigation of COVID-19 outbreaksPreimpresoMichael Hochberg3-dic-2023
17-abr-2020State-level variation of initial COVID-19 dynamics in the United States: The role of local government interventionsPreimpresoEaston White; Laurent Hébert_Dufresne3-dic-2023
17-abr-2020Estimate of COVID-19 case prevalence in India based on surveillance data of patients with severe acute respiratory illnessPreimpresoPADMANABAN VENKATESAN3-dic-2023
23-abr-2020Estimation of Tunisia COVID-19 infected cases based on mortality ratePreimpresoInes Abdeljaoued; Marc Dhenain3-dic-2023
18-abr-2020Using Feedback on Symptomatic Infections to Contain the Coronavirus Epidemic: Insight from a SPIR ModelPreimpresoMichael Nikolaou3-dic-2023
17-abr-2020CoroNet: A Deep Network Architecture for Semi-Supervised Task-Based Identification of COVID-19 from Chest X-ray ImagesPreimpresoShahin Khobahi; Chirag Agarwal; Mojtaba Soltanalian3-dic-2023
17-abr-2020Estimate of Covid prevalence using imperfect dataPreimpresoWitold Rudnicki; Radosław Piliszek3-dic-2023
6-jul-2020Estimating the end of the first wave of epidemic for COVID-19 outbreak in mainland ChinaPreimpresoQuentin Griette; 志华 刘3-dic-2023
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 521 a 540 de 1906