Materiales de Consulta y Comunicados Técnicos Página de inicio de la colección

Infografías, Comunicados Técnicos y materiales de consulta oficiales dirigidos a la población en general, sobre la prevención, el tratamiento y todo lo relacionado al Novel Coronavirus.

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 321 a 340 de 1906
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
19-may-2020Empiric model for short-time prediction of COVID-19 spreadingPreimpresoMartí Català; Sergio Alonso; Enrique Alvarez Lacalle; Daniel Lopez Codina; Pere-Joan Cardona; Clara Prats8-feb-2024
23-jul-2020Transmission onset distribution of COVID-19PreimpresoJune Young Chun; Gyuseung Baek; Yongdai Kim8-feb-2024
3-nov-2020Flatten the Curve! Modeling SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Growth in Germany at the County LevelPreimpresoThomas Wieland8-feb-2024
19-may-2020Making sense of publicly available data on COVID-19 in IrelandPreimpresogerald mills; Walter Cullen; Niamh Moore-Cherry; Ronan Foley7-feb-2024
18-may-2020Behavioural change towards reduced intensity physical activity is disproportionately prevalent among adults with serious health issues or self-perception of high risk during the UK COVID-19 lockdownPreimpresoNina Trivedy Rogers; Naomi R Waterlow; Hannah Brindle; Luisa Enria; Rosalind M Eggo; Shelley Lees; Chrissy h. Roberts7-feb-2024
18-may-2020Estimating the true (population) infection rate for COVID-19: A Backcasting Approach with Monte Carlo MethodsPreimpresoSteven Phipps; Quentin Grafton; Tom Kompas7-feb-2024
18-may-2020Spread of the Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2): Modeling and Simulation of Control StrategiesPreimpresoHarishankar Prabhakaran7-feb-2024
18-may-2020Bounding the Predictive Values of COVID-19 Antibody TestsPreimpresoCharles Manski7-feb-2024
18-may-2020Early transmission of COVID-19 has an optimal temperature but late transmission decreases in warm climatePreimpresoXinru Wan; Chaoyuan Cheng; Zhibin Zhang7-feb-2024
18-dic-2020The differential impact of physical distancing strategies on social contacts relevant for the spread of COVID-19: Evidence from a multi-country surveyPreimpresoEmanuele Del Fava; Jorge Cimentada; Daniela Perrotta; André Grow; Francesco Rampazzo; Beatriz Sofía Gil Clavel; Emilio Zagheni7-feb-2024
18-may-2020Internet-based tool for visualizing county and state level COVID-19 trends in the United StatesPreimpresoStefan Hinz; Mudaser Basam; Kristina Aguilera; Mark LaBarge7-feb-2024
31-may-2020Traces of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the Blood of COVID-19 PatientsPreimpresoAhmed Moustafa; Ramy Aziz7-feb-2024
1-jul-2020A citizen science initiative for open data and visualization of COVID-19 outbreak in Kerala, IndiaPreimpresoJijo Pulickiyil Ulahannan; Nikhil Narayanan; Nishad Thalhath; Prem Prabhakaran; Sreekanth Chaliyeduth; Sooraj Suresh; Mohammed Musfir N N ; Rajeevan E; Sindhu Joseph; Akhil Balakrishnan; Jeevan Uthaman; Manoj Karingamadathil; Sunil TT; Unnikrishnan Sureshkumar; Shabeesh Balan; Neetha Nanoth Vellichirammal7-feb-2024
26-may-2020FORECASTING COVID-19 PANDEMIC: A DATA-DRIVEN ANALYSISPreimpresoKhondoker Nazmoon Nabi7-feb-2024
15-jun-2020COVID-19 healthcare demand projections: ArizonaPreimpresoEsma Gel; Megan Jehn; Timothy Lant; Anna Muldoon; Trisalyn Nelson; Heather Ross7-feb-2024
16-may-2020National age and co-residence patterns shape covid-19 vulnerabilityPreimpresoAlbert Esteve; Iñaki Permanyer; Diederik Boertien; James Vaupel7-feb-2024
16-may-2020Triaging of Respiratory Protective Equipment on the assumed risk of SARS-CoV-2 aerosol exposure in patient-facing healthcare workers delivering secondary care: a rapid reviewPreimpresoPrashanth Ramaraj; Jonathan Super; Ruben Doyle; Christopher Aylwin; Shehan Hettiaratchy7-feb-2024
15-may-2020CoV-AbDab: the Coronavirus Antibody DatabasePreimpresoMatthew Raybould; Aleksandr Kovaltsuk; Claire Marks; Charlotte Deane7-feb-2024
15-may-2020Impact of COVID-19 infection on maternal and neonatal outcomes: a review of 287 pregnanciesPreimpresoFatemeh Azarkish; Roksana Janghorban7-feb-2024
10-jun-2020Phylogenetic Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Genomes in TurkeyPreimpresoOgün Adebali; Aylin Bircan; Defne Çirci; Burak Islek; Zeynep K?l?nç; Berkay Selçuk; Berk Turhan7-feb-2024
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 321 a 340 de 1906