Artículos científicos Página de inicio de la colección

Esta colección contiene algunos de los artículos científicos y pre-impresos más relevantes sobre esta epidemia, mismos que se encuentran en acceso abierto, es decir, totalmente gratuitos y a texto completo para consulta del público en general.

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 761 a 780 de 5926
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
2020Clinical Characteristics of Imported Cases of COVID-19 in Jiangsu Province: A Multicenter Descriptive StudyPreimpresoWu, J; Liu, J; Zhao, X; Liu, C; Wang, W; Wang, D; Xu, W; Zhang, C; Yu, J; Jiang, B; Cao, H; Li, L-
2020Clinical characteristics and therapeutic procedure for four cases with 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia receiving combined Chinese and Western medicine treatmentPreimpresoWang, Z; Chen, X; Lu, Y; Chen, F; Zhang, W-
2020Genome Composition and Divergence of the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Originating in ChinaPreimpresoWu, A; Peng, Y; Huang, B; Ding, X; Wang, X; Niu, P; Meng, J; Zhu, Z; Zhang, Z; Wang, J; Sheng, J; Quan, L; Xia, Z; Tan, W; Cheng, G; Jiang, T-
2020Studies of the strategies for controlling the COVID-19 epidemic in China: Estimation of control efficacy and suggestions for policy makersPreimpresoHuang Sen-zhong; Peng Zhihang; Jin Zhen-
2020HRCT imaging features in representative imported cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumoniaPreimpresoDiao, K; Han, P; Pang, T; Li, Y; Yang, Z-
2020Why is it difficult to accurately predict the COVID-19 epidemic?PreimpresoRoda, W; Varughese, M; Han, D; Li, M-
2020Clinical value of the emergency department in screening and diagnosis of COVID-19 in ChinaPreimpresoZhang, Q; Pan, J; Zhao, M; Lu, Y-
2020Coronavirus covid-19 has killed more people than SARS and MERS combined, despite lower case fatality ratePreimpresoMahase, E-
2020Microneedle array delivered recombinant coronavirus vaccines: Immunogenicity and rapid translational developmentPreimpresoKim, E; Erdos, G; Huang, S; Kenniston, T; Balmert, S; Carey, C; Raj, V; Epperly, M; Klimstra, W; Haagmans, B; Korkmaz, E; Falo, L; Gambotto, A-
2020Epidemiological, clinical characteristics of cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection with abnormal imaging findingsPreimpresoZhang, X; Cai, H; Hu, J; Lian, J; Gu, J; Zhang, S; Ye, C; Lu, Y; Jin, C; Yu, G; Jia, H; Zhang, Y; Sheng, J; Li, L; Yang, Y-
2020High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin as a therapeutic option for deteriorating patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019PreimpresoCao, W; Liu, X; Bai, T; Fan, H; Hong, K; Song, H; Han, Y; Lin, L; Ruan, L; Li, T-
2020A Familial Cluster of Infection Associated With the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Indicating Possible Person-to-Person Transmission During the Incubation PeriodPreimpresoYu, P; Zhu, J; Zhang, Z; Han, Y-
2020Trend and forecasting of the COVID-19 outbreak in ChinaPreimpresoLi, Q; Feng, W; Quan, Y-
2020Base protocol for real time active random surveillance of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) – Adapting veterinary methodology to public healthPreimpresoFoddai, A; Lubroth, J; Ellis-Iversen, J-
2020The origin, transmission and clinical therapies on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak - an update on the statusPreimpresoGuo, Y; Cao, Q; Hong, Z; Tan, Y; Chen, S; Jin, H; Tan, K; Wang, D; Yan, Y-
2020Covid-19: la nueva enfermedad causada por un coronavirusPreimpresoRamos, C-
2020Virus against virus: a potential treatment for 2019-nCov (SARS-CoV-2) and other RNA virusesPreimpresoNguyen, T; Zhang, Y; Pandolfi, P-
2020Vicarious traumatization in the general public, members, and non-members of medical teams aiding in COVID-19 controlPreimpresoLi, Z; Ge, J; Yang, M; Feng, J; Qiao, M; Jiang, R; Bi, J; Zhan, G; Xu, X; Wang, L; Zhou, Q; Zhou, C; Pan, Y; Liu, S; Zhang, H; Yang, J; Zhu, B; Hu, Y; Hashimoto, K; Jia, Y; Wang, H; Wang, R; Liu, C; Yang, C-
2020Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients undergoing surgeries during the incubation period of COVID-19 infectionPreimpresoLei, S; Jiang, F; Su, W; Chen, C; Chen, J; Mei, W; Zhan, L; Jia, Y; Zhang, L; Liu, D; Xia, Z; Xia, Z-
2020Comparison of different samples for 2019 novel coronavirus detection by nucleic acid amplification testsPreimpresoXie, C; Jiang, L; Huang, G; Pu, H; Gong, B; Lin, H; Ma, S; Chen, X; Long, B; Si, G; Yu, H; Jiang, L; Yang, X; Shi, Y; Yang, Z-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 761 a 780 de 5926