Artículos científicos Página de inicio de la colección

Esta colección contiene algunos de los artículos científicos y pre-impresos más relevantes sobre esta epidemia, mismos que se encuentran en acceso abierto, es decir, totalmente gratuitos y a texto completo para consulta del público en general.

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 1281 a 1300 de 5926
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
2019Antagonism of dsRNA-induced innate immune pathways by NS4a and NS4b accessory proteins during MERS coronavirus infectionPreimpresoComar, C; Goldstein, S; Li, Y; Yount, B; Baric, R; Weiss, S-
2020Effect of isolation practice on the transmission of middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus among hemodialysis patients: A 2-year prospective cohort studyPreimpresoPark, H; Lee, S; Kim, J; Kim, D; Cho, A; Jeon, H; Oh, J; Noh, J; Jeong, D; Kim, Y; Lee, C; Yoo, K; Lee, Y-
2020Coronavirus infections reported by ProMED, February 2000–January 2020PreimpresoBonilla-Aldana, D; Holguin-Rivera, Y; Cortes-Bonilla, I; Cardona-Trujillo, M; García-Barco, A; Bedoya-Arias, H; Rabaan, A; Sah, R; Rodriguez-Morales, A-
2019Enhanced ability of oligomeric nanobodies targeting MERS coronavirus receptor-binding domainPreimpresoHe, L; Tai, W; Li, J; Chen, Y; Gao, Y; Li, J; Sun, S; Zhou, Y; Du, L; Zhao, G-
2019Interferon regulatory factor 3-mediated signaling limits middle-east respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus propagation in cells from an insectivorous batPreimpresoBanerjee, A; Falzarano, D; Rapin, N; Lew, J; Misra, V-
2019Molecular epidemiology, evolution and phylogeny of SARS coronavirusPreimpresoLuk, H; Li, X; Fung, J; Lau, S; Woo, P-
2019Spike proteins of novel MERS-coronavirus isolates from North- and West-African dromedary camels mediate robust viral entry into human target cellsPreimpresoKleine-Weber, H; Pöhlmann, S; Hoffmann, M-
2019Structure of the SARS-unique domain C from the bat coronavirus HKU4PreimpresoStaup, A; De Silva, I; Catt, J; Tan, X; Hammond, R; Johnson, M-
2020Novel coronavirus pneumoniaPreimpresoNa, W; Yi, Z; Yong-Sheng, Y-
2019Amotosalen and ultraviolet A light efficiently inactivate MERS-coronavirus in human platelet concentratesPreimpresoHashem, A; Hassan, A; Tolah, A; Alsaadi, M; Abunada, Q; Damanhouri, G; El-Kafrawy, S; Picard-Maureau, M; Azhar, E; Hindawi, S-
2019A52 MERS coronaviruses from camels in Africa exhibit region-dependent genetic diversityPreimpresoChu, D; Hui, K; Perera, R; Miguel, E; Oladipo, J; Traore, A; Fassi-Fihri, O; Chan, M; Zhou, Z; So, R; Chevalier, V; Peiris, J-
2019Climate factors and incidence of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirusPreimpresoAltamimi, A; Ahmed, A-
2019Unexpected Receptor Functional Mimicry Elucidates Activation of Coronavirus FusionPreimpresoWalls, A; Xiong, X; Park, Y; Tortorici, M; Snijder, J; Quispe, J; Cameroni, E; Gopal, R; Dai, M; Lanzavecchia, A; Zambon, M; Rey, F; Corti, D; Veesler, D-
2020Laboratory biosafety guide for the novel coronavirusPreimpresoDepartment of Health Science, Technology and Education, National Health Commission of People's Republic of China-
2020A mathematical model for simulating the phase-based transmissibility of a novel coronavirusPreimpresoChen, T; Rui, J; Wang, Q; Zhao, Z; Cui, J; Yin, L-
2020Novel coronavirus, poor quarantine, and the risk of pandemicPreimpresoKhan, S; Siddique, R; Ali, A; Xue, M; Nabi, G-
2020The outbreak cases with the novel coronavirus suggest upgraded quarantine and isolation in KoreaPreimpresoYoo, J; Hong, S-
2020Evolutionary perspectives on novel coronaviruses identified in pneumonia cases in ChinaPreimpresoWei, X; Li, X; Cui, J-
2019High-throughput screening and identification of potent broad-spectrum inhibitors of coronavirusesPreimpresoShen, L; Niu, J; Wang, C; Huang, B; Wang, W; Zhu, N; Deng, Y; Wang, H; Ye, F; Cen, S; Tan, W-
2019IFN-I response timing relative to virus replication determines MERS coronavirus infection outcomesPreimpresoChannappanavar, R; Fehr, A; Zheng, J; Wohlford-Lenane, C; Abrahante, J; Mack, M; Sompallae, R; McCray, P; Meyerholz, D; Perlman, S-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 1281 a 1300 de 5926